Make sure you use full-fat (at least 30% fat content) not low-fat whipping cream.
Step 1: Chill the bowl beforehand, either by placing it in the freezer for 30 minutes, along with the egg whisk and cream, or by blitzing a handful of ice cubes in it using the CRUSHED ICE programme (dry the bowl thoroughly before pouring the cream in).
Step 2: Pour the full-fat cream into the bowl fitted with the whisk.
Step 3: Remove the cap first, run the EXPERT 2 programme for 2½ minutes at Speed 7 (no heat). Depending on the type and temperature of the cream you use, you may need to continue running the programme for a few more minutes, but keep a close eye on the cream to make sure it does not turn to butter. The cream is fully whipped when the whisk leaves a trail in it.